
a bit of reworking.

Happy New Year!

I hope it brings your desires and everything you work for.

Before I left for Paris, this blog was firstly and primarily a fashion and personal style blog with very little depth beyond reviewing fashion shows and posting specifically-coordinated outfits. When I went abroad, it became a travel diary. (- albeit one I ceased to update about a month into my travels.) Despite not learning about it via this blog, I experienced a lot during this time and like to think I've changed for the better from my European travels, and look forward to continue to improve myself now that I've returned - a general statement I imagine many are saying this very moment.

I want to record the old and the new in my life here in Burlington, Vermont as I begin my senior year in college and look forward to what the rest of my life will bring.

So this will become a mishmash of my life - food, yoga, health, fashion, marketing, music, et cetera et cetera. I sure don't know where it's heading right now, but that's truly quite fitting as it's in line with the rest of my life.

Stay tuned for recipes, reflections and photos from abroad and future travels, yoga poses, learnings, and routines, health smoothies and jogging achievements, fashion wishlists, songs of the moment, reviews, and anything else that happens comes to mind.

Live well and live happily,
xx taylor

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