
Appreciate Now, Complain Later

"When I was in my thirties I had these little square hips left over from being pregnant and I just hated it. I kept thinking, ‘All those years before, I had a perfect glamour-girl body, and I didn’t spend one minute appreciating it because I thought my nose had a bump in it.’ And now that I’m old, my shoulder hurts and I don’t sleep good and my knuckles swell up, and I think, ‘All those years in my thirties and forties I had a body where everything worked perfect. And I didn’t spend on minute appreciating it because I thought I had square hips.’" 

- Alice Greer in "Pigs in Heaven" by Barbara Kingsolver


The Snow Ball

Clearly I'm awful at looking happy in pictures, but this night was a lot of fun - there was even a chocolate fountain! I wish my roommates and I went out more to hangout instead of just constantly being together in our room. Caitlin and Julia looked so pretty!

Tip for college #1: Go to the dumb-sounding activities that your school puts on - most of the time, it can actually be a lot of fun! Especially if you go in thinking that you'll have fun.


"Embracing Valentine's Day"

Loving the shots my boyfriend snagged for a Valentine's blog post I wrote for my work's blog -

Such a fun way to begin experimenting with social media marketing!